Several Sauces

Use a food processor or blender

Breakfast Burrito Sauce:  We use organic plain yogurt as a base and blend in roasted in-season peppers, usually jalapenos, poblanos, or chipotle a touch of sea salt, and lime

Everything sauce:  Roasted tomatillos, avocado, lime, pepitas, roasted poblanos, sea salt, and Olive oil

Basil Dressing: Basil, Olive oil, balsamic vinaigrette  honey or maple syrup, mustard

Tamari Dressing: Olive oil, Balsamic, chopped garlic, tamari, Italian seasoning

Redstone Dressing:  Olive oil, Balsamic, Chopped Garlic, Ketchup, and Italian Seasoning

Asian Slaw Sauce: Olive oil, Balsamic, Peanuts or peanut butter, Honey, Lemon